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IELTS training Institute

8 reasons to take IELTS and test your English language skills

Many students face the dilemma of choosing between IELTS, PTE and TOFEL. Today, we share 8 reasons why you should take the IELTS exam

Educational Fair Chetanya Career

7 Reasons to Attend Chetanya’s Global Education Fair 2021

Chetanya is scheduled to host India’s head Global Education Fair in 9 urban communities across Haryana and Punjab. The worthy directors of Chetanya invites the students & their guardians, international representatives of various universities and institutes and entire Chetanya family to attend the Education expo with the event kicking-off from Panipat at 26.08.2021 to Ropar at

Career Counselling & Guidance fair

Career Counselling & Career Guidance Event from India’s Top Career Counsellors

If you want to move abroad for higher education, Chetanya brings a golden opportunity to serve. We are scheduling Global Education Fair 2021 from August 26, 2021, to September 3, 2021, across nine locations in Haryana and Punjab. The event aims to bring different International schools and universities worldwide under one roof to empower students towards research and

Study Abroad

6 Things To Do While Waiting To Study Abroad

While getting accepted to a University of choice is blissful, waiting till you board your flight to study abroad could be tedious. Different universities follow different schedules and there could be a significant wait from the time students get their admission letters to the time they are leaving their hometown. The wait could stretch for a

Online Study

Making The Most Out Of Online Studies During The Pandemic?

Covid-19 has disrupted the traditional modes of education drastically. Institutions were already experimenting with the concept of virtual education, but the pandemic ensured online studies could be the only viable option for teaching. Thanks to technological advancements, mass education was still possible. It proliferated worldwide during the last couple of years, with institutions trying to find

PTE Coaching institute

Tips and Tricks to crack PTE Exam Online

PTE Academic is the English test for students who choose to study and migrate overseas. There is no doubt that when you browse for unusual tips and tricks to pass this exam, there are a plethora of resources and techniques present out there that claim to help you crack PTE Academic, however, the facts remain the

Career Guidance for study abroad

What to do after the 12th? Find top career opportunities and Career counselors in Haryana

Choosing the right career path is extremely important because if what you choose does not match your interest, you will be dissatisfied and unhappy. But making such a crucial decision at the young age of 17-18 can be tough.  This is why career guidance after the 12th becomes the best way to go forward.  The benefits of

Improve your English Speaking skills

Improve your English Speaking skills to ace IELTS, PTE – Chetanya Careers

Many students master the English language when it comes to grammar and writing, but find themselves at a loss when it comes to speaking and carrying out a conversation; especially with native English speakers. The importance of learning Spoken English is that it not only serves your academic needs but also caters to your day-to-day life

IELTS Institute near me

How to choose the best IELTS coaching centres in Haryana?

Once a student has made up their mind about going abroad for further education, the very first question that will come to her/his mind is “How do I start my preparation for IELTS Exam” or “From where I should take my IELTS coaching?” This can be a tricky situation because many of the students, as well as

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