
Career Counseling for 9th, 10th, 12th standard students

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Career Counseling for 9th, 10th, 12th standard students

“The best way to predict the future is to create it!” – Abraham Lincoln

Many students when they clear their 10th board exam, start fostering aspirations and ambition for their future. Be it a fancy corporate job in high-corridors or becoming the artist of their dreams- they might have envisioned themselves in successful professional roles.

Choosing the right Stream after the 10th or 12th is the crucial first step towards a shining road ahead. But at such an age, you may not be aware of all the possible career paths that can help you transform your interest into a successful profession. Here, career counsellors can provide life-altering support.

Advantages of Career Counselling after Class 9th

Hidden Talents:

As a classroom is bustling with many students, it can pose a considerable challenge for a teacher to identify student’s potential. They may not be able to recognise every student’s best talents. Often, students are introverted or shy and not very active in participation. Similarly, parents may not understand the potential of their children due to a lack of opportunities at home. Recognising a student’s hidden potential in the 9th grade can help nurture those talents further through specific training or alternative selections. Career counselling can ask the right questions and communicate the discovered talents to parents.

Strengthening Weaknesses:

Career counselling after 9th graders can also identify areas where a child might be lacking. For example, if a student excels in extracurricular activities but struggles with academics, career counselling can guide them toward a path to improve their academic performance. Counsellors can suggest eventual career choices that align with their strengths, helping children select the right alternatives and shape their future.

Discovering Options:

At the formative age of 14-15, adolescents face numerous aspects of teenage life, from peer pressure to susceptibility to glamour. Career counselling after 9th graders can help them understand their strengths and familiarise them with many exciting career options, enabling them to flourish in the future.

Career Guidance after 10th

Choosing a path after the 10th standard can be a pivotal decision. Whether students consider studying abroad, taking a break, pursuing diploma courses, or opting for vocational training, the impact of this choice is of paramount importance in your life. Career guidance after the 10th becomes invaluable in shaping the trajectory of their studies and majors, demanding thorough research and careful consideration. The chosen stream doesn’t just influence their academic journey; it shapes their entire career, defines their growth, and determines their future success.

Weakness and Potential

In your career guidance session after completing your 10th standard, counsellors do a thorough assessment test with you. This would help students identify their strengths. Many students opt for a Stream after their parent’s or friends’ opinions or might be confused as to which field to choose. Career guidance can assist them in recognising where their interests lie, whether it’s in Science stream, Commerce stream or Arts stream.

Personality Assessment

Career guidance sessions can assist you in identifying a career choice as per your personality. For instance, an extrovert persona can thrive in roles such as a salesperson or the field of public relations. Understanding your detailed personality traits and inclinations can help you in deciding which field you might flourish in. Similarly, career guidance after completing your 10th standard can also help you understand which traits you should develop for your dream profession. You would gain self-awareness and confidence after such sessions.

Identifying cognitive intelligence

Career counsellors also provide you with the DMIT test, which is the most essential test. It helps in determining the relative strength of brain lobes. This test can help you identify your innate abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Based on the results of these tests, career guidance providers, especially after your 10th standard, can assist you with career/ Stream/ course choices.

Career guidance after 12th

Completing your 12th standard can be a significant achievement. The academic journey doesn’t end here, but a transition towards your professional life starts from here. The most important step towards your career begins here; that is why career guidance after 12th standard is imperative.

Deciding on a field

During your career guidance session after class 12th, counsellors will guide you toward your further pathway. They provide various options available as per your stream of Art, Science or Commerce, as you graduate 12th standard. It can be vocational training, skill development courses or any professional courses. They discuss the potential they would unravel if they pursued the course.

Aptitude test

Career guidance after the 12th encourages students to undertake the Aptitude test that helps them identify their strengths, weaknesses, and their interests. This will help students with choosing a career that will align with their strengths and interests.

Higher education

They also provide profound insights and information about courses after 12th standard. Counsellors also offer personalised career guidance for study in India or abroad after the 12th standard. They give guidance for application processes for universities, colleges or visa application processes as per your preference and your strengths. As per your financial strength and prospects, career counsellors help you decide your courses. Career counselling can be like a light in the darkness. It can enlighten you about your own strengths, and potentials, and align them with the best career path to unleash your fullest potential.

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